Oh, Wild One
You cannot be tamed
No rules can bound you
No walls can hold you
From your heartbeat
From your destiny
You are the wind
You are the fire
You are the sea
The restless desire
The unbound soul
Flowing forever everywhere
Both a blessing and a curse to meet
The One that will change
Our lives forever
And save us when reborn
The Trickster One
The Cernunnos One
The Phoenix One
You cannot be kept in place
Unmoving and calm
For your nature is Nature
And free like a bird
You will always be
You cannot tame a wild bird
Nor a mystic One
Even though you love him
You cannot take him home
And say him what to do
It will hurt you both
You can love him forever
But his fiery beak will tear your soul
Oh, Wild One
With tears in my eyes
And blessings from my heart
I need to set you free
Spread your wings
And fly away
Back home where you belong
Back into eternity..
nedeľa 29. októbra 2017
sobota 2. septembra 2017
Dieťa moje,
umrelo si skôr než ja
Ako malé zrnko svetla odvial Ťa vietor času
Možno však prídeš zas
A rozhodneš sa ostať v mojom lone,
uzrieť svetlo sveta
Zatiaľ Ti zasadím strom
Nech svet vie, že ho Tvoja duša aspoň na chvíľu navštívila
Nech všetkým prináša radosť a plody Života,
dlhšie než naše fyzické telá,
ktoré sú tiež len malými zrnkami oproti večnosti
A keď sa raz vrátiš
A spoznáš tento strom
Nech Ti je pripomenutím nesmrteľnosti Tvojej duše a našej lásky
Tak ako všetkým
Nech Tvoje uvedomenie rozžiari celý svet
A zaženie všetku temnotu
umrelo si skôr než ja
Ako malé zrnko svetla odvial Ťa vietor času
Možno však prídeš zas
A rozhodneš sa ostať v mojom lone,
uzrieť svetlo sveta
Zatiaľ Ti zasadím strom
Nech svet vie, že ho Tvoja duša aspoň na chvíľu navštívila
Nech všetkým prináša radosť a plody Života,
dlhšie než naše fyzické telá,
ktoré sú tiež len malými zrnkami oproti večnosti
A keď sa raz vrátiš
A spoznáš tento strom
Nech Ti je pripomenutím nesmrteľnosti Tvojej duše a našej lásky
Tak ako všetkým
Nech Tvoje uvedomenie rozžiari celý svet
A zaženie všetku temnotu
utorok 25. apríla 2017
Footprints of the Goddess
In India, we created a little Art-Project where each painting contained authentic woman footprints, to make them more aware of their connection with the Divine. Each painting contained a Poem as well, to explain the deeper meaning of the painting´s symbolism.
I am the Universe / Power of the Goddess
Within me, there is Power
To create new Worlds
To give birth to new Stars
To give birth to new Life
I am the Sacred Womb
Through which Creation happens
I am the Universe
I walked the Path / I passed the Labyrinth
I walked the Path
The Path of the Ancients
The Path of Light
The Path of my Heart
I passed the Labyrinth
To become Whole
Tree of Life / My Roots are Everywhere
I am All
And I am sacred
I am Creation
I am the Fountain
I am the Tree
Rooted deeply in Life
And because there is only Life
My roots are Everywhere
Starchild / Divine Origin
The Stars bore me
And as every Parent
They guide me on my Path
Therefore I am never alone
Because the whole Universe
Is always within me
And I dance
With all Creation
Aware of my Divine Origin
Path to the Source / Becoming One
The Source within me
Is calling me
To be reborn
In the Light of my Heart
That my Soul
Can reach its full Potential
And become One with All
The Brightest Sun / Devi
I will always be your Sun
The One
That will lead you out of your Darkness
Your brightest Devi
My Light will cover your Soul
My Heart will become your Home
And my Body will become
A fertile Ground for our most sacred Dreams
Awareness of the Goddess / Wisdom
I am aware in my every Step
Conscious of the Goddess within
I am connected
To my Path
Every End is a new Beginning
I am the Path
Because I see Sacredness in All
Every Step is right
Bringing Joy and Light
That is my Wisdom
We are One / Eternal Flowers
We are One
When we walk the Path of Creation
When we open our Eyes to see
The Beauty behind
We see
That we are all Connected
And made of Eternal Flowers
We do not have all the Photos yet but at least, I can share the Poems with you.
I am the Universe / Power of the Goddess
Within me, there is Power
To create new Worlds
To give birth to new Stars
To give birth to new Life
I am the Sacred Womb
Through which Creation happens
I am the Universe
I walked the Path / I passed the Labyrinth
I walked the Path
The Path of the Ancients
The Path of Light
The Path of my Heart
I passed the Labyrinth
To become Whole
Tree of Life / My Roots are Everywhere
I am All
And I am sacred
I am Creation
I am the Fountain
I am the Tree
Rooted deeply in Life
And because there is only Life
My roots are Everywhere
Starchild / Divine Origin
The Stars bore me
And as every Parent
They guide me on my Path
Therefore I am never alone
Because the whole Universe
Is always within me
And I dance
With all Creation
Aware of my Divine Origin
Path to the Source / Becoming One
The Source within me
Is calling me
To be reborn
In the Light of my Heart
That my Soul
Can reach its full Potential
And become One with All
The Brightest Sun / Devi
I will always be your Sun
The One
That will lead you out of your Darkness
Your brightest Devi
My Light will cover your Soul
My Heart will become your Home
And my Body will become
A fertile Ground for our most sacred Dreams
Awareness of the Goddess / Wisdom
I am aware in my every Step
Conscious of the Goddess within
I am connected
To my Path
Every End is a new Beginning
I am the Path
Because I see Sacredness in All
Every Step is right
Bringing Joy and Light
That is my Wisdom
We are One / Eternal Flowers
We are One
When we walk the Path of Creation
When we open our Eyes to see
The Beauty behind
We see
That we are all Connected
And made of Eternal Flowers
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