nedeľa 29. októbra 2017

The Wild One

Oh, Wild One
You cannot be tamed
No rules can bound you
No walls can hold you
From your heartbeat
From your destiny

You are the wind
You are the fire
You are the sea
The restless desire
The unbound soul
Flowing forever everywhere

Both a blessing and a curse to meet
The One that will change
Our lives forever
And save us when reborn
The Trickster One
The Cernunnos One
The Phoenix One

You cannot be kept in place
Unmoving and calm
For your nature is Nature
And free like a bird
You will always be

You cannot tame a wild bird
Nor a mystic One
Even though you love him
You cannot take him home
And say him what to do
It will hurt you both
You can love him forever
But his fiery beak will tear your soul

Oh, Wild One
With tears in my eyes
And blessings from my heart
I need to set you free
Spread your wings
And fly away
Back home where you belong
Back into eternity..